Rights + Privileges

History of Cooperatives Movement | Legal Basis of Cooperative | Definition of Cooperative | Principles of Cooperatives | Why Agarwood Agriculture Coöperative? | Kinds of Membership | Qualification of Membership | Requirements for Membership | Organizational Structure | Rights and Privileges | Obligations + Responsibilities | The General Assembly

A member shall have the following rights and privileges:

  1. To attend, participate in the deliberations of, and vote on any issue presented before the general assembly meeting whether annual or special;
  2. Avail himself of the services of the Cooperative, subject to certain conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors;
  3. Inspect and examine the books of accounts, the audited financial statements, the minutes books, the share register, and other records of the Cooperative during reasonable office hours;
  4. Secure copies of Cooperative records/documents pertaining to the account information of the concerned member;
  5. Participate in the continuing education and other training programs of the Cooperative; and
  6. Such other rights and privileges as may be granted by the General Assembly.