
Agarwood Agriculture Cooperative

The Philippines is primarily an agricultural country with a large portion of Filipinos living in rural areas and supporting themselves through agricultural activities. About a quarter of employed Filipinos work in the agricultural sector which is made up of four sub-sectors: farming, fisheries, livestock, and forestry.

The slow growth of the agricultural sector in the Philippines had been attributed to the rampant conversion of arable lands to residential subdivisions, industrial parks, and resorts. Of the 30 million hectares of land area, only one-third is used for agricultural activities. On top of that, the country’s geographical location makes it vulnerable to natural disasters such as flooding and drought, further contributing to the decrease in production. Investments in technology and innovation are necessary steps to diversify and transform the country’s agricultural output, along with increased production support and improved policies that prioritize the needs of farmers.

Coops are specific organizations that are owned and operated by their members. Agarwood cooperatives unite single growers to boost their business productivity and increase yields.

Cooperatives help build sustainable communities in rural areas. The role of agarwood cooperatives in agricultural development is numerous. Cooperated growers enter a bigger market to sell their goods and buy input supplies at lower prices. More opportunities mean better economical development and the rural population’s welfare.

Compared to individual farmers, coop members are more economically protected and face lower risks. Cooperated farmers produce goods and render various services being owners and users at the same time. Besides, agarwood coops can sell their products avoiding middlemen fees, which increases farmers’ profits.

The main idea of agarwood coops is self-support: all members help each other and share risks. The primary focus of such organizations is member interests.